Frequently Asked Questions

Does school have a Prospectus?

Yes, you can download it here.

What are school opening hours and what does the school day look like?

School is open for 30 hours and 25 minutes per week. The day begins at 8:55 AM and ends at 3 PM. Lunch is around 12 noon until 1 PM and there is a morning break which is usually 10:30 AM.

My child has special educational needs, how will you support them?
The School's SEND Information Report can give you information about the types of provision we have at Lickey End and the needs that we are able to support. Please click here and check the Documents & Forms section to find the latest version of this document.
Where can we purchase Lickey End First School Uniform?

You can see our uniform guide here.

There are places to buy uniform and related supplies both locally and online.

School Days of Bromsgrove

S&H Schoolwear And Sports

Branded4u in Barnt Green

We really appreciate it when all school uniform etc. is clearly labelled with your child's name as this helps us identify and return lost items.

We can fully recommend If you place an order through their website, using the school code of 35781, we will also receive some commission, helping us provide the best learning resources we can for your children.

My Name Tags

Can my child access before and after school care onsite?

Yes, via an external provider. Please contact the school office for details.

My child has been allocated Pupil Premium, what's your local offer?

Additional information is available here.

How can I help out in and around school?

In the first instance we recommend having a discussion with a member of the Parents & Friends Association, or contact the school office.

What exactly is a School Governor and what do they do?

Additional information is available on the Governing Body page.

What sort of clubs and extra-curricular activities go on?

Additional information is available here.

Can we take our child/children out of school for a family holiday?

The short answer is probably not, but please check our Attendance Policy in the documents section below.

How are you spending additional PE Sports Grant funding?

Additional information is available here.

Are school meals free?

Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will normally be entitled to a hot school dinner free of charge under the Universal Free School Meals scheme, and if you are in receipt of benefits your child may also qualify for Free School Meals throughout their school journey. You can find out more here

Do you have a charging policy?

Yes we do, please check our policy below.

What's the best way to feedback to school?

We really value your opinions and thank you kindly for your responses to our end of year questionnaires. You can also feedback directly to the Headteacher at any time. We would be very grateful if you could also complete the questionnaire at OFSTED Parent View

How do I raise concerns or make a complaint?

Please see our complaints policy below.

School Policies

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